
Friday, March 31, 2017


1. What is the significance of the glass of milk, the apple, and the pear?
This symbolizes Montag having a break.
2. Montag thought he saw the Mechanical Hound and reached his breaking point. What did he see?
He saw a deer.
3. After Montag's musing about the Sun and fire, why is it ironic that he sees a fire?  How is this fire different?
The fire was warm and he stood listening to the flame and The firefighters helped put out the fire.
4. Who is Granger? Who are his associates? (Spend a few sentences explaining this.)Granger is a man who letting Montag feel welcomed his associates are leaders for a small group.
5. What happens on the "show" portraying the chase after Montag?
The helicopters lose Montag and can't hold the audience long to stay and watch.They caught another innocence man and acted as if it was Montag. 
6. What does Granger mean when he says, "We made the right kind of mistakes."

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